Sunday, June 5, 2016

How to Power through the worst of the worst!

          Although it is absolutely beautiful here in Florida several of our tropical ospreys have fallen ill throughout the last few days for several reasons. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the cause of your issue because there are just so many things that it could be. We have been pushing ourselves out in this Florida heat and humidity with only few hours of sleep. Between trying to get our blogs and field journals done each night and peeling our drowsy eyes open before the sun it can seriously take a tole on your body. I am one of the travelers who has unfortunately been hit with a few hurdles on our trip, but I have good news - tips!

This could be you
    My first tip is for those of you who are walking through hell while your'e on fire (that's right, I mean your burning and red sunburn). Being the sunshine state you must know by now that Florida gets A LOT of sun and it can be tough trying to avoid getting burnt when you are spending all day under it. If you are out on the water just wear a rashguard. It is much better to be safe than sorry and it is difficult to reapply when you are constantly jumping in and out of the water where it washes off or it is sweating into our eyeballs. Hats are good for keeping some shade on your face but that doesn't mean you should just go without sunscreen. So apply, apply, and apply again because the sun is really damaging to your skin weather you are burning, tanning, or not doing anything. And if you just can't seem to avoid the burn make sure you have aloe ready for you in the fridge when you return.

          The second tip is sleep, no matter what your health is more important than anything and you won't be getting much done if you are passing out from exhaustion especially in this heat. So don't stay up all night before a long day out doing physically demanding stuff. If you can get some extra sleep on the bus and be sure to not over exert yourself and pass out.

         Third is hurling, it SUCKS! Be sure that you are drinking lots and lots of water all day long especially if you know you are going to be out on the boat all day or walking around. Getting dehydrated or being on the boat could make you sick. Make sure you eat lighter foods if you know your stomach gets upset and maybe take a Dramamine (or few). If your'e on the boat trying standing and looking at the horizon instead of sitting looking at the floor.

        Finally but definitely the MOST IMPORTANT despite how you are feeling or what is going on around you make the best of this trip and suck it up. It isn't everyday these kinds of opportunities come around and if you are as passionate about this stuff as I am I don't know how you couldn't be running to be the first one on the boat despite everything that holds you back. Life is not always easy but you definitely have to make the best of it and not complain and get upset. Smile big and enjoy yourself, your'e in Florida! I promise that after you power through being sick that whole time is nothing compared to what you get out of the experience.

Need help with motion sickness? Visit the trusty Web Md
Interested in visiting the Florida sun yourself? Plan a trip!

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