Monday, June 13, 2016

Top ten thing that go through your mind during a 3 dive day.

10 Gifs to explain how you feel on a 3 dive day.

1) IT'S DIVE DAY!!!.
Getting excited about getting under water and seeing the world fathoms below. the excitement of gathering all of your dive equipment. just thinking about all the fish, coral and other organisms gets you ready to get in that water and have a blast. you open your eyes with no trouble and hop out of bed to get ready

2) Can we leave yet?
Even a simple task like eating a bowl of cereal or eating biscuits and gravy become a roadblock stopping you from seeing a little statue of Buddha  28 feet below the ocean surface. You stuff your face as fast as you can so you can get to the dive shop to get on that boat ASAP.

3) Are we there yet?
Sitting in the car driving to the dive shop there are a couple thoughts that pop into your head,"How can I do three dives today?", "Wait, do I have my fins?", "I grabbed my log book right?", "Yup, definitely have my fins." "Can't this smelly van go any faster?" It's just a small car ride standing in between you and the fishes.

4) Come at me bro!
Getting to the docks and getting onto the boat, you start gathering all your gear into position and connecting your air tank to your buoyancy control device like clockwork. You are more than ready to get to the reef and hop in!

5) First Dive?: COMPLETED
You came, you saw, and you dove for about 45 minutes! The feeling of being underwater again and assessing the different types of life on a tropical reef is feeling better than the first scoop out of a new peanut butter jar. You're a little tired, but you know you have about 20 minutes till the next reef site to do the same thing all over so its time to switch over to a new air tank, quickly transfer the species list into your field notebook, and get situated for another reef and another dive. 

6) Second Dive?: I'm starting to feel it. 

Since it was the first thing you saw when you reached the ocean bottom, that Buddha statue gave you that burst of energy you needed to get over to that reef and start recording the different species you can find and their environment.  When you surface after your dive and start to unassemble your equipment you begin to realize how hungry and tired you are from swimming around with all that gear on your person. At this point you're ready for a small nap and a huge dinner

There's nothing you want more than a nice nap and some food, but that nap is gonna have to wait because you still have one last dive to do at night. Once you get back to dry land you leave the boat and head down the road to a mock new jersey boardwalk style pizzeria and stuff your face. Once you eat about 5 slices of pepperoni pizza the "Itis" begins to kick in and on the ride back to the docks you close your eyes for a quick power nap before your night time dive. 

8) Okay, but like this is my first night dive....

You quickly put your tiredness behind you and get yourself ready for your first ever night time dive. Frantically making sure your regulation is attached properly and that you have the best flashlight in the world and away you go... into the dark depths. After a good 40 minutes full of seeing lobsters, stone crabs, and the amazing luminescence from phytoplankton, It's time to resurface through the darkness and get on that boat. Thats when the relief and relaxation sets in 

9) Wow, what a day.

You did it, you did three dives today. One being your first ever night dive AND YOU DIDN'T DIE OR GET LOST IN THE BLACKNESS OF THE SEA. Instead you saw some of the coolest sights of a tropical reef at night with animals not normally seen throughout the day and some that can only be seen at night. You log those dives in your log book and start the journey back towards shore while exchanging diving stories with the dive masters on the bow. 

10) ...... I need my

Like a zombie you quickly rinse your dive gear off, stay your goodbyes to your new diving friends, and trudge back to the car to head home. A freshly made bed by Norma, The Travelodge cleaning lady, sounds so close to heaven at the moment. It was a wonderful day of biological assessments, dive experience, and seeing some creatures you never thought you would see. you can't even make it back home to that freshly made bed, you start to fall asleep on the car ride back. When you get back to the hotel you realize that your 21st birthday is tomorrow so of course you stay up until midnight but as soon as it's 12:01...... your head is on that pillow and you are out like a light. 

For more info about captain slate dive adventures:
For more info about jersey boardwalk pizza:


  1. I love the humor in this post, but it is still very accurate! Three dives in one day was exhausting, but the night dive was a cool experience.

  2. The descriptions perfectly depict how I was feeling. Before the night dive I was feeling a little sleepy but by the time we got into the van I was having such a hard time staying awake. Needless to say, that freshly made bed felt amazing.

  3. It's funny to see what was going through the minds of the divers all day long. It really looks like a lot of work to get all the gear on and off and I bet diving takes up a lot of energy too. Even with all the work you put into it I bet it's a really wonderful experience!


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