Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Florida Fruit Review

On our last day, we traveled to the “Robert is Here” fruit stand in Homestead. The name “Robert Is Here” came from a boy who opened a fruit stand in 1956, and his dad wrote on the sides of his stand “Robert Is Here”. Apparently, this new name caused Robert to sell all his fruit by noon, so the fruit stand has been named this ever since.

The attraction is popular for locals and tourists alike, especially those traveling to the Everglades. This fruit stand features many exotic fruits including papayas, guanabana, jackfruit, and more, plus a smoothie stand and petting zoo. Personally, I love fruit, so I decided to take a few exotic types home with me that I’ve never tried before.

 The first fruit I picked up is called a mamey sapote, which is an oval-shaped brown fruit with bright orange inside. The sign said “Eat when extremely soft. Tastes like fruity flan, cheesecake, or pumpkin pie.” Unfortunately, the sapote didn’t do very well in my luggage so it got a little smushed, but it was surprisingly already ripe by the time I got home. The inside was very mushy, and it didn’t taste very sweet, it mostly tasted like very soft papaya. It was fun to try but I wouldn’t eat it every day, so I gave it a 6/10. 

The next fruit I spotted was called a rambutan, and they were only 25 cents each! I decided to get two of them, and I waited a day to eat them. The outside was a bright pink with dark spines, and my roommate also said they looked very scary. I cut into it but then realized there was a seed in it, and I read online that both the seed and the rind are toxic and I should avoid eating them. Apparently, rambutans are not very safe to eat because of this, so I tried the fruit around the seed. It had the consistency of aloe, but it tasted like grapes. I am giving this fruit an 8/10 only because the toxic part scares me. It is possible to eat the seeds if prepared properly, and you can read more about that here.  

 #rambutans #robertishere #fruitstand #sapote

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chloe,
    I was so excited to hear about your fruit review! I have never heard of a mamey sapote before visiting "Robert is Here". I thought It kinda looked like a papaya so I kinda expected it to taste like one too. I'm glad you like the rambutans though. I've actually had these before and I really like them. They taste a lot like lychees, which I also love and buy all the time from the Asian market near my house. If I'm ever near "Robert is Here" again or at a different fruit stand I'm definitely going to try some of the other exotic fruits I saw there.


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