Sunday, July 24, 2022

How Dragonflies are Crucial to The Everglades

We all know that the Everglades are home to various forms of life, but do we ever stop to think about how each form of life contributes to the beauty of its nature? Many people may not think about it, but dragonflies are actually very important to every ecosystem. They are major players in the food web, and they keep other pests at bay.

1.     Dragonflies eat annoying pests

I am not sure there are any humans in the world that enjoy mosquitos. Not only do they pester your body by giving you unbelievably itchy bug bites, but they can also become over abundant and destroy natural plants. Luckily, the Everglades are not dealing with the excess of mosquitos, unlike other parts of Florida. However, if dragonfly populations were to decrease, there is a strong chance that the mosquito populations would increase. This is because the mosquitos would have less predators and a higher survival rate. If the Dragonfly population stays at its current level, the chance of other pests, like mosquitos, becoming overpopulated is unlikely.

2.     They are food for other critters

Without dragonflies, there would be less food for other creatures that inhabit the Everglades. Many amphibians, birds, and other aquatic animals all rely on dragonflies and their nymphs for food. If dragonflies were to become endangered or even extinct in the Everglades, the other wildlife would be greatly impacted. There would be less sources of food, therefore, those creatures higher up on the food chain would be with less food and become unstable, inevitably impacting other species.


Thankfully, the Everglades is home to many beautiful species of dragonflies, such as the Halloween Pennant Dragonfly. This incredible insect is not only crucial for the balance of the ecosystem, but it is also a magnificent sight for all of the tourists walking through the Everglades, just like me. The dark bands across their wings makes a vibrant pattern that can be seen from very far away. If you would like to look into all of the other species of dragonflies that roam the Everglades, you can click here. Never underestimate the beauty found in a small insect!


  1. Hello, I really enjoyed the trip to the Everglades and I also mentioned the Everglades in one of my blog posts. This trip was the first time I have ever been to the Everglades, it was really cool. I think it was neat how you talk about dragonflies and their importance. A lot of people do not view them as important. I thought your post was important and brought a different perspective.

  2. I'm not a fan of any type of bug, so I never really spent time thinking about dragonflies or what they eat or how they benefit their environments. That being said, I didn't realize they ate other bugs like mosquitos, which makes me dislike them a little less. It's interesting to think about just how much one species affects an environment. It's one thing for the population of mosquitos to go up if there aren't many dragonflies around. However, it's weird to think about how the decline in population of a single insect can negatively impact so many other species in their environment. As much as I hate bugs, I do realize they are necessary to keep other species populations at reasonable levels.


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