Friday, July 22, 2022

Top 5 Tips To Avoid Getting Seasick

If you have never been on a boat before in the ocean, there is a decent chance you may become seasick. I know for me that was definitely the case. 

1. The most common thing I had heard people say you should take to avoid getting seasick is dramamine. The best practice with taking this is to take one pill the night before you go on the boat and to take one the morning of. This will allow for the medication to take effect and build up some tolerance. 

While I had taken this as directed, the night before and the morning of, I still found myself getting extremely seasick. It does not work for everyone.
2. Another thing that many people were trying were ginger chews and it seemed to help most people feel a little better.

3. If you know you are prone to getting motion sickness I would highly recommend getting some sort of patch that helps with motion sickness, like scopolamine or other types that have the same effect. 

4. If none of the above is working, It would be best to consult your primary physician, as there are other anti-nausea drugs to try that are only prescription, like Zofran and Reglan. 
5. It is also extremely important to stay hydrated. This has many benefits for your well being. For me it allowed for there to be something in my stomach to keep vomiting. 

Hopefully these tips will help you enjoy your trip and not find yourself puking over the side of the boat while everyone else is enjoying the activities. More helpful tips can be found here. To find many of the over the counter medications click here. 

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog useful to share with family members of mine who get seasick. Me personally have never experienced being seasick and I was fine the entire trip. I agree that staying hydrated is very important for days on the boat because the heat on the water can make you dehydrated very fast. Next time, I will tell my sister to try dramamine instead of one of those wearable wristbands that are suppose to help you. I think it is important for all people that read this blog to understand how important it is to take the medicine before going on the boat since these types of medicine require time.


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