Thursday, June 27, 2019

3 Ways to Enjoy Your Trip in Florida

Now that my school trip to Florida is over, I have learned some tips that could help others going or wanting to go to Florida. These few tips are especially beneficial to people who are not used to hot and humid climates. These tips include:

1.   Keep Hydrating with water and replenish your electrolytes
One of the most important things to remember when in Florida, especially during the summer, is to stay hydrated (Hydrate or “Die”drate).  This is because of how hot and humid it can be, which causes you to sweat a large and abnormal amount. Therefore, you are losing not only water from your body but also electrolytes. That is why it is a necessity to drink lots of water anddrinks with electrolytes (e.g. Gatorade). If you do not hydrate enough, you can potentially get sick (e.g. overheat or severely dehydrate) and not be able to enjoy on your trip.

2.   Put sunscreen on… and aloe

Another essential tip is to make sure that you are applying sunscreen on constantly. The sun in Florida is closer than it is in other states, so the UV index is much stronger and therefore people can get more easily burned from the suns rays. Burning is not the only problem when facing issues about the high UV index. You could get sun poisoning and even skin cancer. What I recommend is to get 50 SPF sunscreen (that is coral reef safe) and apply every two hours or after going in the water. Even if you do end up getting burned, you should apply aloe to your burns to help alleviate any pain and redness.  

3.   Bring ecofriendly utensils
One of the tips that I have learned from other students on the trip was to be more ecofriendly. This is especially important in very touristy places, such as the Florida Keys, where many people are using single-use plastic products in a sensitive environment. Eco-friendly products could include metal or collapsible straws (or even ask for no straws at a restaurant) and even bamboo silverware. These simple changes could make a great positive impact on the environment and can also inspire others to do the same.

#Florida memories #think about the coral #hydrate or diedrate #stop single-use plastics #tropical marine biology

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