Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Something to See and Satisfy Your Eye!

There are 760 species of butterflies in North America and 160 of them breeds in Florida. On this blog I will talk about the Miami Blue Butterfly, an endangered specie that is rarely seen in North America. We went to Bahia Honda State Park for the beach cleanup, and while being there I found a sign saying to not bother the butterflies, so I had to do some research about them.
Butterflies are a very strong animal! Wary, resilient, and though, they do not bite and do not carry any known disease. These animals are cold blooded so when ever you see them in a leaf just standing is because they are warming up their bodies with the sun. The Miami Blue known for its scientific name Hemiargus thomasi an endangered specie that was thought to be extinct but with the efforts of scientists is coming back.

In 1980 a large population of mosquitoes was affecting Florida, so chemicals were spread to kill those mosquitoes but unfortunately a large part of butterflies also died. In 1992 Hurricane Andrew hit South Florida and with the destruction the butterflies were gone so it was thought that they were extinct, until 1999 that they were spotted again. And back to extinction on 2003 and once again seen again years later. But these animals were supposed to be on an Act for endangered species but due to lack of founding they were only considered a potential endangered, so people did not do anything for them.
Butterflies play a big role in the ecosystem, they are very important and even though they scare me, they have beautiful colors. Butterflies pollinate flowers and serve as food for birds and other animals. But unfortunately, things that humans do are making their population to decline with the loss of their habitat, wetlands and woodlands, the loss of ground due to farming, housing developments, and the use of pesticides. The good thing is that there is a solution. We can help the growth of this specie by creating our own butterfly garden, where you create a habitat with wildflowers and away from pesticides and predators!


1 comment:

  1. Your post is very interesting. It is good that you are starting to face your fear of butterflies. It is so sad that a lot of butterflies died as a result of the chemicals that were meant to kill the mosquitoes.


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