Thursday, June 20, 2019

Conquering Your Fears in the Florida Keys

This trip to the Florida Keys has been an experience of a lifetime, and I am extremely grateful for all the opportunities I was given. I am a very nervous person, so coming on this trip really presented a lot of challenges for me. The first being the plane trip, where I would be traveling alone without anybody I really knew. However, I am really #Blessed because the group for this trip couldn’t have been more open and welcoming. Throughout the whole experience, Allie, Brenda, Sarah, Jackie, and Nicole were perfect teammates that all looked out for each other. We made sure nobody was left behind, everyone was hydrated, and that we all put on our vitally important sunscreen. I was afraid because I didn’t think I could make friends this easily, but I was wrong. Everybody emanated positive energy and our trip was much  more memorable as a result.
A very big thing that I was also scared about was swimming in the ocean. I only ever swim close to shore at home, and it was very rare if that. I was just always afraid of what lurked beneath the surface. 

However, I wanted to be brave and prove to myself that I can do it. So I put my snorkeling gear on, sat on the end of the boat, hyped myself up, and took the plunge. Once I got my bearings, I adjusted my mask and looked beneath the water.
What I saw was simply breathtaking. There is a whole community underneath the surface that we just don’t see! It was incredible to spot all these fish that we studied for during the semester.

We went snorkeling for three days. The first day had beautiful, crystal clear and warm water; the second was also just as pleasant. Yet, the third day was the most challenging. The waves were higher and the current was strong! Three boats were towed in line to a single anchor point. I told myself to be brave, and to swim as hard as I could to the first boat by following the tow lines. It was daunting, and at some points I was worried that I would get swept by the current. But I pushed, and I made it! It was one of the proudest moments of my life. I am forever grateful to be a part of this experience. I learned much more about myself than anything. I am definitely much more capable of things than I thought! After this trip, I realized I can do anything I put my mind to.

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