Friday, June 14, 2019

Things to Know About Tiger Sharks

An animal that has inspired horrific movies and is the terror of many humans, sharks! A large and amazing animal that is on top of the food chain of the ocean. There are more than 400 species of sharks in the world. One of these species are tiger sharks, being one of the largest sharks of the ocean. Tiger sharks have stripes down their body when they are young and as they grow and get older those stripes fade away. So today, we got to have a young female tiger shark. The longitude of her body was 2.74m and the lines on her body were prominent.
It is said that tiger sharks are the second most dangerous specie of sharks for humans, of course after a great white shark. The difference between these two sharks is that a tiger shark after biting its victim it will eat it. A good thing to know is that not that many times humans encounter tiger sharks, we are safe!  
As most sharks, tiger sharks are very equipped to be the kings of the ocean, they have a powerful jaw full of teeth and to be able to find their prey easily, they have a special sensing organ that serves as an electroreceptor, ampullae of Lorenzi. The ampullae of Lorenzi, captures the vibrations that the body of the prey emits when it moves. Very interesting right, but that’s not all that this magnificent shark has.
Tiger sharks are known to be solitary sharks, they are only seen in groups when they are matting. This shark tends to migrate to warmer waters, so tiger sharks that live in the south mate from November to January and the ones that live in the north mate from March to May. Tiger sharks can grow between 10 to 14 feet and start to mate when they reach the longitude of 6 feet. Tiger sharks per pregnancy have 20 to 90 baby sharks…doo doo. These sharks tend to eat everything in the ocean, from fish, turtles, and dolphins to humans. Since these sharks are not picky eaters, scientists tend to find a lot of plastic and trash that unfortunately lands in the ocean, in the future with the help of people this will not be the case and this awesome specie will grow more.

Nova Southeastern University

1 comment:

  1. Super interesting! I had no idea that they could have that many babies!.... poor mom. And it is so sad how much sharks consume plastics, metals and other harmful substances. Tigers are definitely one of my top favorite shark species. So glad we were able to catch this beautiful creature today!! #daenerys #teamnicenda


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