Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A Grape Day

On our last day before heading to the airport we stopped at a local market called Robert is Here.  This fruit stand is a family-owned business that has so many different fruits, vegetables, jams, and so much more!!  This local market started off as a little stand that was on the side of the road.  Robert was only seven years old and he would be pointing to a sign that said, “Robert is Here”, along with having a small stand that was loaded with veggies like cucumbers.  Now he has a huge farm like building with any fruit that you can think of, and some that you have never even heard of. 

His stand is often referred to has the Disney World of Fruit Stands, and after walking through there I can understand why!! Everywhere you looked there was more and more fruit.  There was one massive fruit that looked like a green sea urchin that was called the jackfruit.  This fruit can weigh up to eight pounds!!!  How crazy is that!! The texture of the fruit was similar a pineapple or a mango, but some say the fruit tastes like pulled pork??  Another fruit that I saw that looked like the sea cucumber that we found yesterday was called the Guanabana.  When describing this fruit, it was said that it tasted like pineapple cotton candy!! Sounds good!!  One other fruit that I have seen and heard of before but have never known what it would taste like was the dragon fruit.  It was said that the dragon fruit tastes like raspberry, strawberry, and kiwi all combined into one fruit. 

Related image Related image

This fruit stand also sells homemade fruit smoothies with so many different options.  There were some smoothies that would see in other places like strawberry banana, mango, and pineapple, but there were also some that I had never even heard of!! They had a strawberry key lime smoothie, mamey, guanabana, and so many more!! But these weren’t just any normal smoothies they were actually milkshakes!!  This market also had so many different farm animals out back like goats, ostrich, baby ducks, chickens, and so many more.  One thing that I though was interesting was that they had many different flavored hot sauces, jams, jellies, salsas, and barbecue sauces.  This market is definitely a must visit for anybody visiting this area!!

If you want to visit Robert is Here... https://www.robertishere.com/
If you want to discover new fruits... https://www.halfyourplate.ca/fruits-and-veggies/fruits-a-z/


  1. I couldn't get over the variety of fruits available at his stand, and the smoothie was sooooo good.

  2. I love jackfruit! Certain times of the year they have them sold in slices at my local farmers market and once in a blue moon my local food store. Also jackfruit can grow way over 6lbs they can grow up to 120lbs a fruit!!! Imagine having that growing on a tree in front of your house, id be scared to walk under it! Jackfruit will taste just like pulled pork when it is not ripe, but when ripe the yellow colored flesh of the fruit tastes sweet and very refreshing and could be used in an assortment of recipes such as smoothies and pulled pork substitute.


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