Friday, June 14, 2019

What Not To Do On A Boat

What Not To Do On A Boat

1.  Do NOT sneak up on the captain and push them overboard while they are driving the boat.
The reason that this necessary is that you will need the captain for the boat ride. Pushing them overboard and continuing with the trip will not be helpful for them or you. So in order to prevent one of many problems from occurring then it is in your best interest that you keep the captain safe and on board for the entirety of the trip. Protect them at all costs.

2. Do NOT stick your limbs in the shark’s jaw for an “aesthetically pleasing” photo.
Sharks are cool and if you are fortunate enough to hook a shark on the back of your boat and you get to tag it, that does not mean you should tag it on instagram by deciding to get up close and personal with it. Sticking your arm or leg in the mouth in the shark’s mouth will be very detrimental for you and probably ruin your day. The shark is still alive, and it is most likely annoyed that it got interrupted on its life journey and is now stuck to a boat. So chances are putting your limb in the shark will lead to you losing said limb. It’ll be a whole mess from there and you’d just be better off petting it and moving on with your life honestly.
Image result for selfie with shark
3. Do NOT forget your Versace orange life jacket in case of an emergency.
Going out to the deep sea can always be risky whether it be with weather or boat problems or anything but in a worst case scenario you need to leave the boat then you will need to pick up one of the ever so hip orange life jackets that are located in the head of the ship. No matter how good of a swimmer you are, if you are forced to go overboard, you will not be able to keep yourself afloat for a very very long time so it is important to wear the life jackets so that no one drowns if in fact an emergency does occur.

4. Do NOT yeet all of the equipment overboard.
This is no bueno. Equipment is very expensive and important and throwing all of everything overboard is definitely way more than what college tuition would be so you would be yeetin a lot of money into the ocean.

5. Do NOT go to the top of the boat during a storm and hold various metal things to the sky.
So, chances are if the waves are hella choppy from the storm the boat will be rocking heavily anyway so standing at the top of the ship will probably result in you flying off and not by choice. You will be yeeted off the boat no doubt about it. Also, holding all the metal you can find is not ideal for lightning. Ben Franklin already pulled this crap we do not need to experiment further.

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Got anymore boating tips? Comment below and spread ya advice.

1 comment:

  1. Another thing that we are not allowed to do is have a banana on the boat. Also not littering at sea! Very interesting list and very detailed and complete. This list will make others aware of the things that should not be done on a boat.


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