Thursday, June 27, 2019

How not to get seasick

Yesterday our group went scuba diving and snorkeling in Key Largo. The night before we were warned that if we know that we sea sick that we should take Dramamine. Since I did not get sick from riding the boat on Friday from tagging sharks the whole day, I decided not to take any medicine. While riding out to our scuba diving/snorkeling destination I did not feel nauseous in any way. However, I did become seasick while I was snorkeling. Therefore I got motion sickness from the movement of the waves when swimming and not on the boat. Then I tried to take medicine but it was too late to have effect while we were still on a boat. This resulted in me not be able to snorkel at the next stop. I was told to sit at the middle of the boat, facing out. This is because the boat rocks the least in that spot. I was also told by others to keep my eyes on the horizon since it is the only object that is still. After learning my lesson, I took two Dramamine tablets at night and one in the morning. This was done because it takes many hours for the Dramamine to work. In the end, this process of taking Dramamine did work and I did not get seasick from the boat all day.

Seasickness or motion sickness is when a person becomes nauseous from the motion of a boat in the ocean. The reason for seasickness is that the signals of ears, eyes, and sensory receptors are not matching up. The reason can also be summed up as an inner ear disturbance. 
One of the most common ways to treat seasickness is the medicine Dramamine, also known as Meclizine. Other types of medication include: Scopolamine, Promethazine, Cyclizine, and Dimenhydrinate. The main issues or side effects of Dramamine are that it causes drowsiness and can make you very sleepy. This will make any activity, such as snorkeling, very hard to do. That is why there is non-drowsy type of Dramamine so that you are able still be active. Overall the lesson was to always take some type of motion/sea sickness medicine the night before you go on a boat.

#seasick #snorkeling #Dramamine #Nauseous #sea legs

1 comment:

  1. I got seasick one time in my life, prior to that i have never had any experience first hand with sea sickness. It was a perfectly calm day as well, the ocean was like a lake. I was told that once the boat stopped moving and i got in the water i would be better, and sure enough once we stopped and i got into the water the sickness had almost instantly subsided. Since then i have had no issues and have made sure to take dramamine prior to long boat trips just to be on the side of safety. Water and a good night's sleep will go a long way with preventing yourself from getting seasick.


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