Sunday, June 24, 2018

All Hail the Magic Conch

Image result for spongebob all hail the magic conch

Many of you may remember growing up with a big shell in your house that you could put your ear up to and hear the ocean or blow into and make a sound like a trumpet. Well that shell was most likely a conch shell. What once lived in those shells is actually a sea snail, and there are several different kinds of conch that can live in them. Down in the Florida Keys, conchs are a common find on the seafloor. During my time here in Florida I have managed to find at least one conch each day that I’ve been in the water. This species is a large part of the Florida Keys because not only are there shells a very sought after souvenir but the snails that live inside them are delicious to eat. But Conchs also serve another purpose and that is playing a role in the florida ocean ecosystem. Conchs like the Queen Conch are herbivores meaning that eat things like algae with is important for making sure the coral reefs do not get smothered. All they serve as food for several animals in the ocean not just us. For example nurse sharks will sometimes use their powerful sucking jaws to suck conch snails right out of their shells. Searching for conchs when you’re in the Florida keys is very fun an here are some tips I’ve learned over the past few days.
  • Search for a shell outline within sandy patches on the seafloor.
  • Check the shell to sea if there is still a living snail inside.
  • If not you may have scored an awesome souvenir to bring home.
  • But, if you are in a protected dive site it is illegal to remove any conch shells living or abandoned from that site.
  • Following these regulations is important because keeping conch populations healthy is necessary to help keep a healthy ocean ecosystem in the Florida Keys.
  • Have Fun finding some amazing shells with beautiful designs and colors because they are all different.
#magicconch #mayihavesomethingtoeat #no #leedleleedleleedle #floridakeys

1 comment:

  1. For the longest time, for some reason, I had no idea that a conch was an actual animal, I thought it was just the shell. How the shell got there, I had no idea. Once I learned that a conch is actually an animal, suddenly the world made just a little bit more sense. Although I'm still going to pronounce conch incorrectly because that is how it was pronounced in the Spongebob episode.


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