Monday, June 18, 2018

The Florida Keys- A tropical Paradise

           The Florida Keys are a fantastic place to take a vacation, even to find a condo or a place to live during the winter. The Florida Keys offer many different ways to stay busy such as kayaking, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, parasailing, and many other fun activities. Many people will choose to visit the Keys/Florida during the winter because they visit from the North which has significantly colder temperatures than Florida. Florida usually has warmer temperatures and higher humidity than the Northern US, it’s also closer to the equator hence why it is warmer year-round. Areas that are closer to the equator such as Florida, California, Nevada, Louisiana and Texas are warm all year round, hence why people will travel to these states during the winter and then return to the North in the summer.
Image result for Florida Keys            As stated the Florida Keys provide opportunities to try many different things both on the ocean and on land. On land people can visit the Everglades National Park and learn about the local wildlife such as a variety of bird species, alligators, manatees, fish, and possibly crocodiles. While strolling through the Everglades you can also see many different plant and tree species that are visible throughout the park. In the water, people can snorkel or dive and explore coral reefs such as the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and see the abundance of marine life including turtles, colorful species of fish, lobsters, eels etc., people could even observe divers feeding nurse sharks and eels if they go at the right time. If people would rather stay out of the water they can go fishing on one of the many charter boats or go parasailing and get a breath-taking view of the Florida Keys.
            If somebody who lives in the Northern US and is looking for warmer, more stable weather conditions to live in then the Florida Keys would be an ideal location. There is plenty to do to stay busy, the weather is fantastic especially during the winter, and there are beautiful nature centers and sanctuaries to view all varieties of wildlife. Florida is a very relaxing location to move to or to settle down in if someone is looking for a retirement location and enjoy their new lives. To put it simply, the Florida Keys are a tropical paradise.


  1. I agree it is a great place to vacation and offers a wide variety of activities for anyone to enjoy. I think that the warm sunny weather can even be therapeutic for some people that tend to get sad or slightly depressed from the cold weather in the north.

  2. If I were a snowbirder, this post would have sold me. Florida is so much more than golfing. The Keys seemed like a whole different universe to me. I was not expecting to see so many different vegetation and animals. Next time I hope to be down with the divers.


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