Sunday, June 17, 2018

Whooo knew?

          Owls are majestic creatures that can be seen around the world. There are many different species of owls such as the Barred Owl, Western and Eastern Screech Owl, and the Great Horned Owl. Each species of Owl has different physical and behavioral characteristics that help identify them. Some characteristics used to identify owls is their shape and size. The shape of their heads and size of their bodies vary based on the species. Each species will also have its own distinct color pattern on their feathers, different species of owls can be the same color(s) but will have their colors displayed differently.
          Owls have habitats all around the world but will only be found in areas that have a large assortment of trees for them to rest on. Each species of owl has adapted to live in a different environment. Some owls will be found in cold environments such as the snowy owl while others will be found in warmer environments such as the Barred Owl. Unfortunately owls can have encounters with humans and will be shot with pellet guns or hit by cars. However, there are rehabilitation centers such as the Laura Quinn Wild Bird Sanctuary that takes in injured birds and will nurse them back to health or give them a home if they are deemed unfit to return to the wild. The Laura Quinn Sanctuary has multiple species of birds including a variety owl species. They have a Barn Owl, a Barred Owl, Great Horned Owls, and an Eastern-Screen Owl. These owls were not able to return to the wild because of their injuries and although they are in better health, they would still not be able to survive in the wild due to the extent of their injuries.
           Image result for barred owl
            Barred Owls are a common owl that is seen in any area that has deciduous trees and Evergreens. They will nest in tree cavities and will compete with other owls for resources. Barred owls can be heard making quiet roosts in the forests or will make a calling noise when hunting smaller animals. Their appearance is molted brown and white with dark brown eyes, their upper breast is crosses with horizontal brown bars. Their wings and tail are barred brown and white in color.


  1. Really good blog post, Evan. The wild bird sanctuary we went to was a lot of fun. I'm really glad that we stuck with that owl and watched him eat that mouse because it was a rare experience

  2. It is awesome that places like the bird sanctuary exist and provide an area for bird that cannot be returned to the wild to live and be used for educational purposes. The owls especially were very cool at the refuge and seeing the owl eat was also something that you would normally never see in the wild so that was very cool to watch.


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