Monday, June 25, 2018

How to cook, Iguanian Style!!!

Now if you are reading this, you are already on your ways to become a master chef of reptilian proportions.  Here you will learn the best way to catch, clean, cook, and eat this scaly pest that is littering the Florida Keys.

Image result for cooked iguanaNow the first and hardest part is to catch the Iguanas.  Now in Florida there is no law prohibiting this practice and there are no limits on the catch rate; so by all means you can do a whole BBQ with them.  Often these guys are found in parks and on the side of the road, so they are easy to find.  There is even road kill, which comes pre-tenderized!!!

Once caught and killed, usually something quick like a bat, slingshot, or pellet gun, you would need to clean them out.  All this takes is an incision in the underbelly to take out the guts so then they can be prepped for dinner.
Because these reptiles have a slight fishy and can be a little tough there are multiple ways to cook them.  Of these ways the simplest one is to stew them with some coconut milk.  This will certainly warm your belly after eating and it you serve it with rice, it makes it that much better

Another recipe would be the Island style macoy.  This is just a mixer of various fruits, vegetables, fish, and other meats once again cooked in coconut milk.  But if those tiny bones are too much, then the boneless iguana con huevos may be your thing. In this dish it brings the whole family together because you throw on some iguana eggs on top for some extra flavor.

Image result for iguanas on grill in marketThe next recipe I have for you is steamed iguana and when you steam it in some coconut oil and water.  The juices that come from it can even be turned into a sauce for your main dish.  It is usually served along with yuca, rice, beans, and plantains.

And now we save the best two for last, the first of these is to grill it.  You can take the skin off or leave it on for the extra crisp. Finally, you can fry them up and we all know that fried food is the best food.

With all of these methods we can control the iguana population and hunger in Florida one delicious morsel at a time.

If you can think of a method to cook up these critters, don’t be afraid to write a comment bellow.


  1. I didn't know there were so many ways to cook iguana. I wonder how it tastes? Even though this sounds tasty, I probably couldn't bring myself to eat one because I have met many pet iguanas. You could say I have a soft spot for them.

  2. I love the idea that catching and cooking the iguanas is actually helping to save the environment because they are an invasive species. It's even better when you try to picture people running around the main roads with bats and slingshots trying to catch and kill them! That gave me a good laugh.


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