Thursday, June 21, 2018

Ninja Gators!!!!

Image result for gator climbing fence
You may be asking yourself “what in the world is a ninja gator?” well you have come to the right spot to find out.  These gators are sneaky, quiet creatures that are able to get into most places without even being noticed.

Because of this and not wanting to injure these sneaky creatures, fences were placed around the highway passing through the Florida Keys.  These fences prevent alligators and other wildlife, such as panthers and large snakes from getting mixed up with modern society and its vehicular machines; and in doing so is able to protect the environment.

It also works the other way around in which it keeps people off federal or Native American land that the fence is trying to protect. But with most things, if there is a will there's a way and so this is why there needed to be barbed wire at the top of these fences to prevent anything from climbing over them.

If these fences weren’t there then there would be the possibility of hitting large animals, just like a giant alligator or even a threatened species that could walk into the middle of the road.  The advantage of how these fences and even the road way is set up is in how they still allow animals to be able to cross to the other side.  This is done by a set of bridges that act as a form of release, allowing water to cross underneath along with any animal.

With all of these forms of protection and separation, it allows for both animals and humans to be able to live with relatively no issue.  This is especially good when it comes to alligators because of their hefty build and dangerous jaws, but more scarily are vehicles that humans use and the amount of damage it can do to a living creature.

These accidents happen much more than you would think, with anywhere from 725,000 to 1.5 million accidents happening a year all around the US just from animal collisions.  So even though the barbed wire fence doesn’t seem like much it is making sure that every animal, including the elusive ninja gator, that can climb over a normal fence, are safe.


  1. I always wondered what the barbed wire was ment for! I would of never thought it was to prevent alligators from escaping. Its crazy that alligators are able to climb like that. I love the idea of how the fences prevent the humans and animals from clashing. I know in some national parks they are creating overpasses over the roads for the animals to cross safely, that itself is a great idea as well!

    1. Yeah, ideas for overpasses are used in many national parks around the world. My favorite one that i found was in Africa, where that created a tunnel for elephants to cross under the road way and make it safer for everyone. Nature will use these safety routes, it is up to up to make them available for them so then we can fix all of our wrong doings.


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