Monday, June 11, 2018

Goodbye Friends

Goodbye goodbye good friends goodbye and now it’s time to go, but it’s okay cause I’ll see you another day….another day.

     Today was the last full day of our adventure together and for some of us it will be the last time seeing each other ever. It is a sad day, but we had so many good times together that it was worth every second of sitting in a smelly van, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, and getting sunburn all over our bodies.  Since I am not a marine biology major this will probably be one of the last days that I will get to spend with all of you unless its a quick hello in the hallways back at school.
     Dr. Z, thank you for planning this AMAZING trip! I enjoyed every second of this experience and have learned even more about tropical marine biology after visiting all of the national parks and sites that we visited. I especially liked the wildlife bird sanctuary and the shark tagging. They were such unique experiences that most people do not get to do so thank you.
     Kristen, thank you for being an amazing TA and second mom to us while on this trip. You pushed us to learn more about the sites we visited and made sure that we understood what we were looking at. I loved snorkeling with you and pointing out all of the fish and coral that we had learned while in class. It was so great getting to know you and sharing that chocolate suicide. YUM!
To the rest of my team members, it was great getting to know you all and sharing these experiences with you.  We have only been here for a short amount of time and I feel like we all have gotten to know each other so well. Unfortunately, we will not be having any other classes together after this, but I will cherish the memories we made this past week.
     Traveling through the Everglades, seeing Key Deer and alligators at Blue Hole, getting a tour of Mote Marine Laboratory, exploring Key West, doing a beach cleanup at Bahia Honda, kayaking through mangroves, snorkeling, seeing the bird sanctuary, doing a night dive, and shark tagging. After so many activities so much has been learned and I am thankful that I got to experience it with all of you!

For more information about shark tagging go to:
For the lyrics to that song go to:
#GoodbyeFriends #NotGoodbyeJustSeeYouLaterAlligator


  1. This made me so sad!! We've had such a good time this week; it's really a shame that we have to leave tomorrow....although I am excited to get back to my dog and sleeping in my own bed. May we meet again, Florida Keys.

  2. Yea I definitely enjoyed our daily excursions. For me, 9/10 of those were firsts. This trip has certainly set a high standard for everything else I do this summer. It was nice meeting, maybe we'll see you around on campus.

  3. This trip was amazing and I agree with kylie and tahesia in saying that this trip was amazing and filled with new experiences. I am sad to leave but know that one day I'll be back here and that may be permanent.

  4. i love the first line from Bear in the big blue house! this post mad me so sad, but it was such an amazing trip. thanks for finally coming out of your shell!!

  5. This trip was an experience that a lot of people won't go through, and I'm glad I got to spend the week with you guys and making memories!


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